Monday, August 15, 2011

Reflective Presentation

Focuses of reflective presentation:

- Thinking Process – 3C

Critical thinking

In my project, I find that there is possibility where the idea should be explore deeper as in profit that client can gain. If I did explain my idea of mobilizing in store experience guarantee brings back profit to cover the budget in a short time, it should be convincing enough.

Creative ideas

Mobilizing in store experience by having a specific application seems not creative as compared to a multi-touch screen kiosk. Budget should not restrict an designer’s creativity during idea generation. A successful designer must fully utilize the minimal budget to maximize the impact of creative idea.

Competitive ideas

If 50% of peers are about to have similar ideas, we shall try to be outstanding in terms of the value of an idea. Looking into similar ideas with similar concept definitely brings boredom to client. Designers should be competitive among ourselves to extract the value of an idea.

- Working Attitude – 3E


Work on selected idea with passion, spend amount of time to research about target audience. Explore what they really needs and what client needs. In the research of target audience, it is clearly to see that I lacked of study of users.


Expand the research process to client’s shop, and documenting the experience of consumers. It helps to clarify company branding image and consumer needs. Do not afraid of irritating works such as questionnaire, interview, take photos and make analysis. These are essence of a project.


Make sure tasks distribution is adequate to accomplish desired objectives. It should mark the effectiveness of a project. Take actions rather than thinking, it saves time and gives result.

Keep in touch with client is very important as well. Before a decision making, we should go through our client to get permission or approval to move on because they are making the payment. Client has the authority to know the progress of a project. Client always want to know where they spend the money and the profit.

Sharing is caring. Designers should always share their brilliant ideas with their peers or family, though the ideas were stupid sometimes. Sharing among each other helps to collect feedback and proceed to further analysis and thinking.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reflection of pitch presentation

After the pitch presentation, I realized that budget is not really a consideration for pitching idea. In fact your idea can go as creative as possible without restricted by given budget. And about branding image of Justlife, it is more towards hospitality instead of tech savvy. Creating multimedia platform without involving any technology which I think is not possible at all. Let say we require consumer to take photo for upload purpose, it is still requires technology device such as camera. Yet, we were told there is this possibility about non- technology involvement. From this presentation, I learn that creativity should not restrict by budget at the phase of idea generation process and knowing well about company’s branding image is the key to make a touch point and valued your idea.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Presentation Slides

Some of the slides during pitch presentation

Time ratio is 1:1:3 (15 minutes)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Interface Design

Finished Interfaces Design

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sketches 2

Interfaces Outlines

Monday, July 11, 2011

Flowchart 2

Refine Version

This is refinement that I have done after reconsider bout human – human interaction between Justlife’s staff & consumer. Justlife Avatar consists of 4 major functions, product briefing, product test, issue quiz and up-to- date. Product briefing and up-to-date are focus more on consumer’s interests where consumer able get to know about Justlife product and latest promotion. Whereas product test and issue quiz are meant for increase loyalty to the company and provide opportunity of self- learning about relevant product. Knowing well about Justlife product is the key of creating conversation with either new consumer or regular consumer. Justlife Avatar is designing as an extension of memory and better communication tool for staff to promote sales. Being not contradicting with brand image, I propose a multimedia platform to enhance communication between Justlife staff and consumer.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Initial Sketches

These are initial sketches based on the draft version of flowchart.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Sharing

It was a sharing session with Creative Director from IF Interactive. I proposed to him with the draft version of flowchart. It was very tension as it was the very first conversation with experienced designers from the industry. From his comments, I realized that there were a lot of involvements in Justlife Avatar as if it is going to replace the human resources in Justlife. And from there, human & human interaction will be reduced or to be eliminated due to Artificial Intelligence. Consumers may not need Justlife staff anymore as long as they have the avatar with them in their mobile phones. I was totally out of my mind when thinking of Justlife branding direction focuses on human – human interactions rather than human – computer interactions. So I have to make some changes due to the big issues here where I create this avatar as a tool to enhance interactions between staff & consumers. Consumers might not need this stand-alone application without conversation with staff of Justlife. In other words, I try to transform the human- human conversation into human – computer – human communication.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Moodboard is provided to determine the look and feel of Justlife Avatar. Justlife’s branding image is more towards eco- lifestyle and the color usage are mostly white, orange, green with real images. Typeface are also more to handwriting style, san serif fonts and curvy. I propose gradient colours (ideally orange & green) usage because it tends to give fresh and new look rather than pale colour scheme such as muted brown or green series. The design of white space is remain due to Justlife’s art direction.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Draft Version

A draft version of flowchart was made according to client’s requirements for Justlife Avatar (iPad application). Major functions are product briefing, search engine, recommendations, user comments & personal reminder which targeting two approaches- consumer & employee. The reason of using iPad (mobile device) is because it increases in store experience of consumers and it has no space limitation for massive information of products. It also integrated with Google functions such as mail, contacts, calendar, blogs and etc. This could be helpful when it comes to sharing information among users. Justlife Avatar is not a profitable application but it is a gateway for consumers and employee to engage with the shopping experience. Basically it functions as information storage and information sharing, extension to employees’ memories and a tool to help them promote better.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Personal Statement

Justlife Avatar

Realisation & Implementation

An avatar can be defined as a graphical representation of the user or the embodiment of personifications. The reason of having a Justlife Avatar is that it functions as extraordinary human brain but appears in virtual form. It is a pre-programmed system, being designed as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Most probably the avatar will be design as mobile application where it is movable and easily access by consumers and employees. At the same time, avatar acts as another person that know Justlife so well that it helps us to solve problems or acknowledge us about the idea of eco-lifestyle or even as a reminder that sends u notifications. All it needs is an organized database that consists of specific information for specific objectives.

Relationship of client’s needs & problem

Regarding to client’s problem faced, they need a solution for massive product information as most of the product are considered as cross-selling products. They could not categorize their products accordingly but they need an alternative way for consumer and employee access the information. Before a new series of organic retail on shelves, client has the responsibility to make a product briefing among employees. Sometimes, detail of information might not be accurate due to different pattern of verbal communication. Besides, most of the products in shop display along with brochures that include details of the products which causes paper wastage. If targeting new consumer that visits to Justlife, avatar able to acts a personal guidance or assistant who explain backstory of certain organic products. It would be better than requesting consumer to read on brochures. Effective storytelling can be added as an interactive element for proposed avatar as well. With avatar, what client needs to do is to pre-program the latest information about new series of retail and make them accessible. Avatar eased the responsibility of client as it helps client to do product briefing precisely.

Relationship of personal development skills & understanding

Presentation skill, which is the effectiveness of conveying a message verbally, must be concerned in order to guide client towards your desired solution based on affordable budget. Research on relevant idea is pretty much needed because these artefacts are going to support proposed idea. It helps in objective clarification when presenting ideas to client.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meeting Client 1

This is the very first individual meeting with client to propose ideas regarding to the problems stated in project brief. During the discussion with client, several issues/ questions were raised about the idea of Justlife Avatar:

- How to organize the database? What is the pattern of information flow?

- What sort of information is needed specifically for both consumers and employee?

- How Avatar helps to reduce turn-over of employee?

- Cross-selling products, how to deal with a product with variety of functions?

- What if it is a movable avatar?

- Is it possible to make Avatar as a reminder?

Throughout the conversation, it helps to extend the possibilities of implementing Avatar as the ultimate solution regarding to problems faced.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Idea 2

Justlife Avatar

Avatar can be defined as a graphical representation of the user / the embodiment of personifications. (01/06/2011)

To be simplified, avatar is another “you”/ “person” in virtual world which having similar personalities / functions as in real person. The idea of Avatar is widespread after blockbuster movie “Avatar” (2009) by James Cameron (director). The idea is not merely computer graphics that maybe apply onto screen play, it is now being used by multimedia designers in order to construct a representation regarding to its personalization such as doctor, teacher, mentor, mechanic, so on & so forth. These representations commonly are given roles as reminder, personal nutrition, or even best friend of yours in reality.

To some circumstances, avatar acts as perfection of oneself in virtual world because users able to customize appearance according to their preferences. For clearer picture, you may visit second life website : (01/06/2011)

Second Life provides a space (repository) for users to build their desired worlds, costumes, features, buildings & sculptures virtually. Avatars in Second Life are representations of users where they able to communicate through conversation and interact with artefacts within the world. You might find it surprise when looking at the appearance of avatar is totally different from a real person even that is a self representation form. In Second Life, users controlling their avatars as if they are living in that simulated world. Features of one’s self maybe perfect in Second Life. This can be included in the elements of having a customizable avatar of Justlife due to different age group of consumers.

Avatar can be programmed as Artificial Intelligence, in which an avatar may provide solutions or suggestions to user regarding to their problems in real life. For entertaining purpose, I have been exposed to a famous vocaloid (avatar singer) in Japan – Hatsune Miku. You might wonder the impact of avatar to real person in real life. Watch the concert and you may see and learn (01/06/2011).

This phenomenon is happening in Japan where it also developing its own cultural impact onto Hatsune’s fans. We might as well as foresee the impact of an Avatar in our country. It may not be as perfect as a hyper- real hologram. We shall start from introducing the avatar via mobile application as mobile phones, smart phones or iPhone has become young generation necessity in their lives.

The avatar can either designed as a representation of individual or specific roles can be injected into it. E.g. Justlife avatar works as a personal organic nutritionist where it guides user towards organic lifestyle. Or the avatar acts as one-self being an organic farmer, looking through the making processes of organic food / products. Or it becomes an AI problem solver regarding to environmental issues.

Avatar offers opportunities for users who are new to organic products and even for those who are familiar with organic lifestyle. It helps to build up understanding of eco-lifestyle among the society. It is also a database that convenience to be updated within HQ & outlets and definitely save tons of papers.

Idea 1

Interactive Web

Regarding to problems that stated in previous posts, I started my research from Justlife official website

Notification of existing problems based on the web page :
1. Lack of interactivity - I tend to get lost in somewhere when searching for certain products.

2. There are numbers of environmental issues that Justlife want to deliberate, but it seems restricted to video clips and images.

3. Product information - No price but heavy detail information.

4. It does not allow give and take session (e.g comments, feedback...)

As I observed, Justlife might not want to focus on web because it is merely a place for user to look through about its history, motives, several featured products, just like another official webpage of one's company.

As a Multimedia Designer, interactive web is about users interacting with the web itself rather than a page of writing/reading. For instant, if adding some backstory where users are treated as a virtual organic farmer by each visit to the page they will be given a seed to plant, seeing the plant grows (time-based design) as they browse through desired information and finally get "reward" (can be a cash voucher, discount items & etc..) By implementing elements of narrative, it may build understanding of "Organic"among new members.

Setting a mini task such as planting seed also increase user retention, as long as they spend time on web, it opens up a gateway which navigates users about the idea of being organic. Of course function of interactive web does not stop there, it may as well as allows user generate contents by posting comments on featured products. It helps to create discussions among consumers, sharing information via existing social website (facebook, twitter etc.).

Visualizing the data is part of the idea of interactive as well, designing the comments into a form of graphic. E.g. I posted a comment about product X, the comment then transformed into a leaf and hang over the branches at the corner of product X. These information are helpful because of it is genuine data that provided by consumers rather than spending millions just to advertise featured products.

Besides, I find that Justlife providing organic cooking demonstration to public. The process can be video tapped and upload into existing platform such as Youtube. It allows an alternative solution for housewives who are interesting in organic cooking. The recipes can also be included into an interactive web as it provide multipurpose for web users.

These are elements that can be achieved by using interactive web as an effective database which provide wide range of information to users.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Problem 3

Problem 3 Paper wastage

After visit to Justlife retail shop, I realized that there were many flyers about certain products. Each of the flyers contains massive information that consumers might not reading. Besides, there are also posters of eco- friendly issues hanging all over the wall as if it will present the issues to consumers but in fact, it does not work that way. Paper wastage can be avoided as digital advertisement functions better than poster. In digital form, multimedia designers are able to include interactive elements in order to increase the attractiveness among consumers.

Situation alerted!
Posters with overloaded information are not effective advertisement as promoters of retail shop need to serve consumers individually. Why can't we make the products talk to consumers instead of increasing burden for promoters in order to explain every single details to customers.
"Let's the product talk! Out loud!"

Another poster with descriptions.

Again, posters to advertise products.

Poster that describe the products.

Problem 2

Problem 2 Products are uneasy to search & lack of interaction

Top Search Engine

Eventually, “Google” is ranked as the best search engine in cyberspace. Why so? Does it require a set of golden rules that allows significant search for web users?

- Keywords/ Keyphrases

- Visuals/ Images

- Translation (Language)

- User preferences

Basically search engine works as an artificial intelligence answer machine.

E.g. When user type in a keypharase such as “health care product”, a series of recommended products of Justlife appear on the screen.


How suppose information/ products interact with users?

- Demonstration of “green cooking” via youtube (Online tutorials)

- Provides space for users to comment/upload/subscribe (User generated content)

- Responses to users click/ search

- How about narrative plays as part of introduction of new products? (e-learning)

- Provides a page of “daily green tips”, allows users to contribute ideas of “go-green”

- Mini games that helps understanding of certain products

- Create a Justlife avatar – AI reminder/ guidance to users (an application)

- Audio+ Visualize user’s input

Problem 1

Problem 1 Too much information with limited space

Information Design (22/05/2011)

The detailed planning of ‘specific information’ that is to be provided to a particular audience to meet specific objectives’

specific information

- organic products & promotions of Justlife

specific objectives

- educate & create awareness about the importance of eco- lifestyle

- relationship of individual lifestyle with planet health

WHY Information is important?

“When the information is relevant good, people are able to make better decisions, to be more effective, to be happier and to increase their well-being”

by Dirk Knemeyer (22/05/2011)

HOW to deal with massive information?

Define the :

- Content (Information + Data)

- Structure (Categorization according to purpose/scope/types)

- Functionality (Request & Respond)


Friday, May 20, 2011

Digest, Digest, Digest

Digest the project brief..

*Create a Multimedia Platform to integrated massive product information and promotion within HQ and outlets.

Problems faced:

1) Information overloaded with limited space

2)Uneasy to search (as in?) & lack of interaction

3) Paper wastage (for promotion flyers?)

What client Need:

1) Reduce confusion amongst massive information

2) Easy update of product and promotion info from HQ to outlets

3) Easy search & sharing of info for customers/ consumers

4) Effective public education

5) Increase brand loyalty & confidence

6) Budget RM 35K (RM 5K/outlet)

Proposition of client

1) Educate & create public awareness (importance of eco- lifestyle)

2) How individual’s lifestyle linked to planet health

Well, what I am going to do next is Research =)

*about Justlife (aim, targeted consumers, products categorization, motto/aim)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Semester, New Brief, New Life

Module Title: Competitions, Festivals, Exhibitions

I analysed the module outline which was given yesterday.
Basically the entire project for this subject is divided into 3 major phases :

Phase 1 - Enquiry
- analyse,research & evaluate the brief
- prepare relevant & appropriate materials to solve client's problem
- pitch initial ideas to client and select the most potential idea to further develop
- a personal statement with 350 words according to the chosen idea (why & how)

Phase 2 - Making & Documenting
- I am doing it right now ... Maintain personal blog/log/diary
- Document entire working processes

Phase 3 - Reflecting, Preparing & Presenting
-given 5 minutes for presentation
-with presentation slides (discusses 'design decision making' along the working process)
-must be reflective & informed discussion

What to do next is to digest the project brief...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Images Review

*finished look*

*wooden rack + outer case*

*4 different characteristics of girl*

*outer case (formed by polystyrene boards with thickness of 2 inches)*

*beta testing (height of screen adjusted)*

*alpha-beta testing (using wooden rack instead of tables)*

*alpha testing (using tables)*

*mechanism (refined version)*

*mechanism (draft version)*

*programming flow chart*

*inspirational gif*

*poster (reconstructed version)*

*poster (draft version)*

*logo design, uploaded in facebook, chosen by vote*

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sensation : Artifice + Desire

Project title : Sensation : Artifice + Desire
Member : Foo Chun Khong (myself)
Chan Si Khei
Sang Li Lian
Cheng Choryi
Cheah Pei Yung (Debbie)

(view this site for project proposal)

What would you think of when people ask, "What is sensation?"
Goof question though, because a team of 5 like us was wondering around during the idea development stage based on the phrase "Sensation: Artifice + Desire".

SENSATION | Defined by as below:
1. the operation/ function of the senses; perception/awareness of stimuli through the senses.
2. a mental condition/ physical feeling resulting from stimulation of a sense organ/from internal bodily change.
3. a general feeling indirectly attributable to any given stimulus, as discomfort, anxiety & doubt.
4. a mental feeling, especially a state of excited feeling/interest caused among a number of persons/ throughout a committee.

ARTIFICE | Defined by as below:
1. a clever trick/ stratagem; a cunning, crafty device.
2. trickery;guile;craftiness.
3. cunning;ingenuity;inventiveness.
4. a skillful/ artful contrivance/expedient.

DESIRE | Defined by as below:
1. a longing/craving, as for something that brings satisfaction/ enjoyment.
2. an expresses wish;request.
3. something desired.
4. sexual appetite/ a sexual urge.

06 January- 10 January, 2011
Honestly, when we first received the project brief, it was like "What The Hell!" shouting in my heart. At first, we were linking the sensation theme to a traditional games in Malaysia such as congkak, wau, ting-ting, so on and so forth. The initial idea was to create a machine/device that coach future young generation on how to play traditional games as these traditions sooner or later will be vanished. By the way, we know that the idea doesn't work after very first consultation with relevant tutors because "THE IDEA WAS SUCKED!" . We were advised to read and explore the project brief which is with all the bombastic wording plus confusing assessment criteria, again and again, like more than thousand times in order to get back on track, to seek for what the brief actually want us to do. >,<>

14 January, 2011
5 of us were scratching our heads during the discussion of idea & concept. The word "SEX" seems to be like a magic word for us as it leads our discussion to an excitement. *hurray* At least we found a direction, a topic that allow us to explore more rather than just traditional games (lame joke). We manage to sketch initial ideas of having two devices which both of them are actually toilet-looked in appearance but there are hot spots that trigger sensation and feeling of excitement. For instant, we may design a toilet with a mirror, a basin and a sanitizer container where sensitive significant inner parts of female are hidden beneath. What do you think? "It sounds great!", for all of us. We targeted youngsters sexual desire which tend to be more wide in the future. But it is still lack of something that considered as the soul/ essence of the entire device, which is MR.Concept! *dang* This is the crucial part of idea & development for a project, especially group work, because we need to listen and accept but not fight back aggressively or feel offended.
p/s: We are a group of harmony. *thumbs up*

17 January, 2011
It was a "so so" idea after the consultation. We find that we are still lack of content and the impact is not powerful enough to be delivered to targeted audiences. Meaning that we need to research more to backup our idea and create impact final message. *headache* Jazmi approached to our group and suggested to us on how to execute the idea in more creative/ more multimedia way as if we can add some sound effect, display the avatar with some reaction and so forth. By the way, an avatar can be said is a graphical image that represents a person. Those suggestions help though, we manage to reconstruct the idea in a better structure where the device emphasize some kind of fetish and yet tackling some issues. Thank GOD!

20 January, 2011
Lilian and I were typing the content of proposal while waiting for others in base room. When they are all here, we started the discussion again. This time, we discussed about design of the device itself. We were inspired by a gif of vending machine which animated a japanese buying a girl from sex vending machine. It is so interesting. The device is ideally for one user because fetish is a very personal preference and this is the reason that we plan to use headphones instead of speakers. There are four options that leads to 3 random endings. As it stated in the proposal, by interacting with this installation, users are able to experience the pleasures of simulated satisfaction sexually where sensation such as sight, sound and touch affecting the emotions of displayed avatar in the screen. *wohoo*

24 January, 2011
Today meant to be a presentation day for proposal but it turned into "DOOM DAY" as we were told to redo the poster because the information structure is different than others. "Can't we be different??", shouting in my heart unwillingly. The idea was acceptable but still, lacking of content. =___=||| Showing a "sweat" face because of redoing the poster! After warfare of presentation, we back into discussion with injuries (mentally). The content of proposal is already there, just that someone need to reorganize the information structure for readability. No big deal! We can do this!
p/s: Chinese New Year holiday is coming, I wanna Eat, Sleep, Play, I don't care~

31 January - 08 February, 2011
Within these holidays, I have done research of programming. Mouse click event is the major concern for the overall programming. The mouse will be hidden underneath a pair of nude bras, symbolize breasts of female. By squeezing the nude bras, it then trigger mouse click. There are 5 stages of orgasm in total when the mouse click reach certain count. Well, the big picture of the device would be a user touching the hidden "boobs" and displayed avatar on screen virtually react to their touch. Simulation of sexual desire by applying methodology of "act and react". When user action was detected, the computer device react to their corresponding action. *haha* This may also relate to the essence of Multimedia, which is "Human Computer Interaction".

09 February, 2011
We sit in a group of 5, discussing about the final message. We need to enhance user experience and deliver message at the same time. By using the concept of vending machine, there would be reward for consumers but what could it be? Must it be excitement? No no no no, we decided to pull back the excitement of users by rewarding series of circumstances when a man addicted to prostitution. We wanna show side effects of prostitution because we design the device to tackle sexual desire issues but not provoking/ promoting prostitution. As we stated in the proposal, we targeted men who are driven by a compulsive need for sex, or fear of intimacy & commitment and instead turn to prostitution. The device is meant for create awareness among men who are obsessed with prostitution. Research on graphic & programming is going on.
p/s: Finally the proposal was done ~

14 February, 2011
It was a day for alpha testing. As usual, we demonstrate the rough programming without any graphic because we decided to video shoot girl expression with 4 different characteristics. The date of exact shooting is coming Thursday (17 February, 2011). At the same day, we noted down measurement of the device and space. And production of graphic and programming started.

18 February,2011
We research on materials that going to form a vending machine, which is polystyrene board with 2inches of thickness. We paint and cut according to the design in proposal. It was the toughest process of production as the polystyrene boards are uneasy to cut with ordinary cutter. And we also concern about the stability of the whole device as polystyrene board is very light weighted. A lot of considerations..... *headache* >,<>

21 February, 2011
Early in the morning, we have reached incubation center (location of beta testing) but it was locked until we seek for It department to open it up. What a waste of time~ Choryi and I were building the cupboard whereas Si Khei, Lilian and Debbie busy merging the polystyrene boards. We spent around 2 hours to build up the rack as we are not professional carpenters. *claps* After that, I have started my programming which is to refine the previous version by adding in video clips. Although the outcome of video clip looks not convincing, we were glad to have another volunteer to redo video shooting. And the programming runs smoothly. *phew~* After receiving comments from first beta testing, we have pin points that need to be refined. Here are the details of refinement:

• must be clear throughout the program (introductions + in between slotting coin / pressing button / squeezing breast)

comments from the beta testing; final outcome
• combine the fb + camera ending
• hiv ending text - change typography + clearer + shorter
• add audio to the knock scene asking users to bend down to collect their 'reward'; or use visual triggers (eg. arrows

• meter bar - make it go vertical (upwards) instead of horizontal; edit the colour of the bar to match the theme of the machine
• add more clicks, as users are clicking too quickly that they miss viewing the videos
• certain videos must finish playing before going to the next video (the orgasm > knock > final outcome scenes)
• if the machine is untouched for a certain time, it needs to reset itself

• background music too loud (and loops) / girl's voice audio needs to be louder; users can't hear the girl's voice audio
• must remove background / white noise from the video audio
• have a separate audio (from a mp3) to attract users towards the machine
• needs editing to make it more attractive
• model requests to edit the video more to make it look less obviously like her
• display girl's name at her first scene to make it clearer to the users

• more solid + stable for the final presentation
• screen + breast mechanism positioning - too high and too low
• buttons - not 'porny' / sexy enough; might need to light up if the room is too dark
• clear room before the final presentation

p/s: overall it was an "okay" beta testing.

24 February, 2011
Reconstruct the wooden rack, video shooting refinement, graphic refinement are all in today. I have to dismantle the built rack due to height of screen is not proper. Since Choryi is absent, I have to do this alone because I am the only guy here. *sobs* When I was about to take another piece of wood from Kah Li's car which she parked at Pyramid hotel, rain falling heavily. =__=
What a bad day. I was running in the middle of rain with a piece of wood on my head! *!@#$%*
Sticking the polystyrene boards is the most troublesome work because it requires pairs of hands to do so. Using a glue gun to stick parts by parts of those boards takes hours. At the end we manage to refine everything until dinner time. We decided to continue by tomorrow.

p/s: my hands were red and "bengkak"~ but the structure is much more stable compared to last one .

25 February, 2011
We have finally constructed the wooden rack with proper heights. Everything looks great. Now we need to concern about the video clips. The art style needed to be concern as well. Replacing the video clips causing my laptop lagggg..>,<..

28 February, 2011
This is the day for beta testing. As usual, we reached college early in the morning although beta testing start after lunch. A lot of preparation need to be done before the show start. For me, I am handling the programming where I have to replace edited video clips, make sure the sound detection script is working and also the energy bar (refinement). Overall it is a busy day to set up everything and then dismantle again. How nice it is if there is a space that provided specifically for installation. =___= I bet it would never happen. *crack* Sound of cracked heart~

02 March, 2011
After receiving comments from beta testing, we decided to do refinement within this week since everyone has to rush for other project submission as well. In my scope, I need to do experiment on timer event to make the video clip transition works better. Within a time frame given, the ending video clip will automatically change to the reward scene and then reset the whole program by itself within 13 seconds. So far the sound detection is working well. To ensure the continuity of scene transition, we used timer event. It helps to humanize the kiosk where by it reset automatically and it would be ideally artificial intelligence.

05 March, 2011
Working on my individual blog. Working processes are written here in order for future references. By the way, publish working processes via internet is an alternative method for documentation. We can actually upload digital data such as images and video clips through blogging space, help to save paper and ink as well. You would not need to worry about loss of documentation because it appears in cyber space. So why not blogging?

07 March, 2011
Weeee~ Final presentation was held on today, 3p.m! I was one of the observer during the presentation and documenting the process of user interacting with our installation by video recording. Overall the final outcome is a successful exhibition where programming run smooth, the kiosk was not falling apart and the most important is the kiosk brought laughter (meaning users enjoy it in a sarcastic way of telling). Well, the project is nearly done, back to writing for 1k words about working processes and member analysis.